About company
Tradition, modernity, and trust are mottos that guide the Głuchołaskie Zakłady Papiernicze. We are a Company with over century-lasting tradition. Our origins reach as back as 1902. Now we bet on modernity and constant development. Thanks to them we offer products of highest quality. This ensures that customers can trust us. We are a capital group that consists of Głuchołaskie Zakłady Papiernicze sp. z o.o., ZP Energia Cieplna sp. z o.o., and Asko Papier sp. z o.o.
Now a bit more about statistics:
- our total sale per annum is 170 million PLN
- we produce 5,600 tonnes of unprocessed paper per month
- we are present in 3 locations in Poland – in Głuchołazy, in Nysa, and in Niedomice near Tarnów.
The GZP Energia Cieplna Company is a producer of electric and heat energy. Total production amounts to ab. 400,000 GJ of heat in the form of steam that powers paper-making machinery and heats 50% of apartments in the city. To produce electric energy we use two turbines with total production of 800 MWh per annum.

Intense development characterises the last decade of our Company’s history. Changes of production profile and expansion of machine park in Asko, construction of MP V and MP III machinery in Głuchołazy, and activation of MP I machinery and purchase of Syncro 5 line in Niedomice are the proof of our team’s passion and vision. However, our accomplishments from last two years fill us with exceptional pride. It is the construction of new paper-making machine in Niedomice that manufactures cellulose-based hygiene paper, new line for industrial role systems in Asko, and construction of new MP II machinery in Głuchołazy. And finally, the creation of new part of Plant in Niedomice with infrastructure and machinery that allow to produce paper handkerchiefs and currently completed investment in fully automated line to pack paper for consumer market executed in co-operation with Gambini, Infinity, Elettric80, and Bema Companies.
This is an exceptional amount of hard work, which however gives us satisfaction and drives us to execute another goals planned for future years.

Traditions of Głuchołaskie Zakłady Papiernicze date back as far as 18th century when papermaking industry started to develop in Głuchołazy. Back then the whole Silesia belonged to Czech Republic ruled by Austrian Hapsburgs
One of the more important dates in the history of our Company is May 1902 when Adolf Glogner and Konrad Methner joined forces and founded first paper factory in Głuchołazy. The place was not random. Nearby forests were rich in raw resource and Biała Głuchołaska River provided water. At this point the first paper-making machine was purchased and installed. Production started for good a year later, in 1903.
In subsequent years plant was filled with new machinery. As a result, after World War I the paper-mill in Głuchołazy belonged to the biggest manufacturers of newsprint in Silesia. During interwar period, the fate of paper-mill was different. A time of stagnation came after years of prosperity. This changed when in mid-1930s plant started manufacturing printing paper and pulp was used in medical treatment in sanatoriums in Głuchołazy..
The period of World War II was an exceptionally difficult time for plant in Głuchołazy. There was no need for expensive printing paper and Company plunged into debts. There was a shortage of manpower. After the War, in 1945 Soviet authorities handed the plant into hands of Polish authorities. Nationalisation of plant and subjecting it to central management turned out to be necessary. Since February 1946 supervision over plant was carried out by military authorities and central papermaking industry management. In March 1948 the Minister of Industry and Trade appointed Głuchołaskie Zakłady Papiernicze.
In January 1998, plant in Głuchołazy was transformed into Limited Liability Company. The shareholders of GZP Sp. z o.o. are employees of previously liquidated company.
Management board
mgr inż. Mirosław Stokowski
Graduate of Technical University of Łódź - company employee since 1st December 1980.
email: m.stokowski@gzp.com.pl
mgr inż. Janusz Momot
Graduate of Higher Engineer School in Opole – Company employee since 1st July 1983.
email: janusz.momot@gzp.com.pl
mgr inż. Zbigniew Kozioł
Graduate of University of Agriculture in Wrocław – Company employee since 2nd September 1991.
inż. Karol Wiażewicz
Graduate of University of Agriculture in Poznań – Company employee since 2nd April 2002.
email: kwiazewicz@gzp.com.pl
mgr inż. Krzysztof Szajwaj
Graduate of Wrocław University of Technology in Wrocław – Company employee since 3rd September 1990.
email: k.szajwaj@gzp.com.pl
mgr inż. Mirosław Englot
Graduate of Higher Engineer School in Opole – Company employee since 3rd July 1995.
email: produkcja@gzp.com.pl
mgr inż. Ryszard Skubiński
Graduate of Higher Engineer School in Opole – Company employee since 1st August 1985.
email: rskubinski@gzp.com.pl
mgr Elżbieta Szołdra
Graduate of Wrocław University of Technology in Wrocław – Company employee since 1st July 1981.
email: eszoldra@gzp.com.pl

ISO 9001 is a standard, in which International Organization for Standardization included requirements regarding quality management system.
In 2010 our Company has meet the requirements of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008, and in 2017 we moved to standard ISO 9001:2015.Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) is certification authority since the beginning.
Acquisition of ISO 9001 certificate constitutes as a confirmation of high quality of our Company’s management system and ensuring high level of customer service.
In addition, our hygienic products, paper in rolls, and finished products under the Elfi brand possess a Certificate of Health Quality issued by National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene.
We have also acquired the following environmental decisions:
For plant in Głuchołazy issued by Marshall of Opole Voivodeship:
- Integrated Permit for installation to produce pulp and produce cardboard with production ability of above 20 tonnes per day.
- Water Law Act permit to collect surface water from Biała Głuchołaska River.
- Water Law Act permit to introduce rainwater and melting water from the territory of plant to waters of Biała Głuchołaska River.
- Water Law Act permit to introduce industrial waste to sewage equipment.
For plant in Niedomice issued by Starost of Tarnów:
- Integrated Permit to run installations producing paper.
- Water Law Act permit to collect underground water.
- Water Law Act permit to introduce rainwater and melting water from the territory of GZP – Niedomice plant.
- Water Law Act permit to introduce industrial waste to sewage equipment.